Colon Hydrotherapy that is Comfortable, Calming, and Cleansing
Some people feel that there might be a buildup of unwanted waste materials within the colon (large intestine). Some folks believe that if waste material remains in the colon for some time it may cause us to feel sluggish and a buildup of material on the colon wall could inhibit muscular action, slow down elimination transit time, and may create constipation.
Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe, gentle infusion of warm ultra-violet filtered water inserted into the rectum using no chemicals or drugs. Colon Hydrotherapy is a restorative, painless procedure that is effective and can be cleansing, as well as, calming.
The client lies comfortably on a custom treatment table on their left-side and the colon hydro-therapist inserts a speculum into the rectum that has an inlet waterline and a separate elimination tube. The hydro-therapist monitors the water temperature and the internal pressure of the client as the water is gently infused and released out of the colon.
A new client session takes about 45 minutes. A regular session takes approximately 30 minutes. The goal of colon hydrotherapy is to cleanse the entire colon with comfort and dignity maintained at all times.
The Hydro San Plus colon hydrotherapy instrument is a closed system in which waste material is eliminated through the unit and out a drain line, avoiding any offensive odor and maintaining cleanliness, comfort, dignity, and ease throughout the session.
The Hydro San Plus instrument is FDA approved and features disposable components which eliminates any possible contamination from a previous treatment.

Colon Hydrotherapy is rapidly becoming one of the most dynamic areas of interest in integrative health modalities.
Colon hydrotherapy is once again gaining recognition in part because of the modern instrumentation. The emergence of this ancient cleansing practice is also entering mainstream consciousness as celebrities Madonna, Matt Damon, Usher, Janet Jackson, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Anniston, Beyonce, Cindy Crawford and a host of other celebrities, as well as, professional athletes speak publicly about their use of colon hydrotherapy.
Take a Virtual Tour of Nashville Colon Care
Please take a look around to learn more about our own Nashville Colon Hydrotherapy and book an appointment to come see us.
To learn more, please feel free to reach out by using our contact form or by phone at (615) 714-1712.
Peace and Blessings,
Michele R. Jones